INSTALLATION ============ Disclaimer ---------- MicroService H. Wierl makes no representation or warranty with respect to the adequacy of this documentation or the programs which it describes for any particular purpose or with respect to its adequacy to produce any particular result. In no event shall MicroService H. Wierl be liable for special, direct, indirect or consequentional damages, losses, costs, charges, claims, demands, or claim for lost profits, fees or expenses of any nature or kind. You need, at least, the following files to work with GREPIT: GREPIT.ACC (or GREPIT.PRG or GREPIT.APP) GREPIT.RSC GREPIT.HLP If there's no GREPIT.HLP there's no help period! Got it? Good ... Just put the three files together in the one (sub-)directory, because GREPIT loads them from the same directory where it started from. GREPIT automatically recognizes whether it is an accessory or a normal program. On Atari TT-models, the TT-Ram-Bits in the program header can (should) be set for maximum performance (i.e. warp 9.9). As an Accessory --------------- Copy GREPIT.PRG (with GREPIT.RSC and GREPIT.HLP of course) to the root directory of your boot partition and rename it to GREPIT.ACC. As a GEM Program ---------------- You may copy GREPIT to whatever (sub-)directory you like. Use .PRG or .APP for the file extension.